Sunday 30 March 2014

Chathapuram migration Part I March 2014

I am from Chathapuram Village in Kalpathy Palghat in Kerala. My father born in 1923 studied in Victoria College and then moved on to Bombay (now Mumbai) and later shifted to New Delhi. He worked in the Government of India. Later the family shifted to Chennai.
I have been acitively researching the migration theories of the Palghat Brahmins and specifically Chathapuram residents. My interest was kindled by my mothers cousin (My mother is from Kollengode) who says he has found the village from where his ancestors migrated to Kollengode and he has visited this temple in Tamil Nadu. So I am very keen to locate the village in Tamil Nadu from where we may have migrated many hundreds of years ago.
My fathers sister name is Meenakshi and my fathers cousin sisters name is also Meenakshi. So there definitely seems to be a connection with may be Madurai Meenakshi. It seems my Grand father used to run a bus service in Natham in Tamil Nadu.
Another lead is that there is a Prasanna Mahaganapathy temple in Mathirimangalam Village in Tamil Nadu. I am now trying to see if there is a connection.
These are some initial thoughts and if anyone else has any further views it will be good to hear. I am waiting for that day when we locate this village and we all visit the temple in that village.